Friday, August 13, 2010


Yeap, that's Tinker Bell's favorite new word, nope its not a typo, just how she says Lynsey's name.  It started last night, after I had posted here and headed off to bed.  I knew it was too good to think that I could just climb into bed on her first night and drift off into dreamland.  So I sat up for about half an hour flipping channels on the remote trying to be certain it was really safe to fall asleep.  Just as I was drifting away, I heard the first cry.  Its not so much of a cry she makes but more like a fuss, but I didn't want her to get all the way awake so I hurried in there, laid her back in her bed and began patting her back to try to get her back to sleep.  Lynsey had woken up, so she decided to go get her sippy cup with water for her incase she was thirsty.  That's when it happened, Lynsey opened the door and had hardly stepped out, when Tinker bolted straight up and screamed just as loud as her little voice would permit "NYNSEY!!!!"  At that point she wanted nothing more to do with me, she wanted her Lynsey.  I really need to earn this baby's trust quickly, right now playing big sister and little mommy is still fun for Lynsey, but its going to get old very quickly. 

She had her one month follow up doctor's visit since being released from the hospital for liver failure.  In that one month she gained nearly 2 lbs that's an entire 10% of her body weight.  The doctor said she really looked good compared to a month ago, that is due in part, to the love and dedication of her first foster mom.  They did lab work to re-check her liver enzymes and iron level (which was low as well last time).  It was quite obvious that she had not forgotten her time in the hospital, she does not like doctors or lab technicians at all.  The doctor managed to get a brief exam in, but it took Tinker sitting in my lap holding her and two lab technicians to draw her blood.  She was not a happy camper.  And there it was again "Nynsey! Nynsey!" with tears streaming down her face, pleading for her big foster sister to do something to rescue her from the madness, but all she could do was try to distract her with her teddy bear, which wasn't working.  As soon as they were done though and everyone had released their grip on this powerful little girl, straight to Lynsey she went with arms up-reached. 

Other than the doctor's appointment and stop at the lab, we had a pretty busy day, went out to lunch, did some shopping.  She's really easy going and goes with the flow.  For the past few weeks on Fridays she had been having visits with her parents.  But DSS cancelled the visit this week, as mom and dad needed to pick up their game on following thier case plan.  That often acts as a great motivator when a scheduled visit is withheld, but in this case mom and dad are now of unknown whereabouts.  They were supposed to meet with their case workers and discuss the 2.5 year old being entrusted in care, but they didn't show, DSS can't find or locate them.  But I know from past foster experience, they will show back up, with some incredible excuse and the law requires that things pick right back up where they left off in their case plan, while their children continue to grieve for them. 

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