Saturday, August 14, 2010

Finding our groove again

Today is day 3 with Tinker Bell and as a family we are starting to find our groove with our latest addition.  We basically took the day off from the outside world, went nowhere and had no visitors.  We needed a down day as things will pick up again tomorrow.  Theres a special feeling during the weekend being a foster parent.  Its two days of the week that you can actually be almost 100% certain that caseworkers won't call or walk into your home at any moment and tell you the plans have changed for the child you are becoming attached to and they are moving them to live with a relative or some other change of plans (they don't work on weekends), so its a time that you can at least plan for tomorrow.

Tinker discoved the piano today, it was so cute, as she saw me using the foot pedal and playing the keys and tried to mimick the same thing, but by the time her foot was on the pedal, she's so tiny she had to reach with all her might to still hit the keys, so her head and her feet are under the piano keyboard with hands stretched above.  She's also decided that she prefers to sleep in the pack-n-play rather than the toddler bed, that's what she was sleeping at in her first foster home, I think it makes her feel more secure.  We'll let her do that for a little while and try re-introducing the toddler bed in a few weeks  when she's feeling more at home.


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